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New! Longboarding Experiential Group

Longboarding for Mental Health

Balance, flow state, the mind-body connection, taking brave action… these are all ideas that our clinicians explore with clients in their sessions frequently. What if we could take to the outdoors and actually experience these ideas firsthand instead of just talking about them? We are so happy to be introducing a new group that will put all of these ideas into action for 10-13 year olds in the most fun way we could think of- longboarding!


Why longboarding? We are so glad you asked. Here are some of the takeaways:


Increased Confidence and Independence

Getting on an unsteady board requires some bravery! By learning a new skill, group participants will gain a newfound sense of confidence in themselves and increased independence. The group will challenge kids to take calculated risks and get outside of their comfort zone, which translates to facing anxieties or challenges in day to day life as well.


Sense of Balance

Longboarding requires you to get out of your head and drop into your sense of space and balance. This allows us to be more in tune with our body which is valuable for self-awareness as well as emotional regulation.



Group participants will learn through experience what it means to support their peers and receive support in return as well. This can be one of the most powerful aspects of a group! The congratulations and high fives when a participant tries a new trick or bravely gets back on their board after a tumble is what the group is truly all about.



          Fresh air combined with repetitive motion is a great recipe for mindful presence. Grab a board and you might just find yourself feeling more in the moment than usual!


Having Fun!

          Beyond all of the other amazing benefits, longboarding is just a whole lot of fun. We look forward to many laughs as participants get outside, make friends, learn something new, and have meaningful experiences that can help to build confidence, independence, and resilience.

This group is for youth ages 10-13 and will start at the beginning of July. Want to learn more or secure your spot? Our team is here to help! Please have a look at this page for more details and a sign up form